코첫수술 Male rhinoplasty - Droopy nose correction surgery with natural results…
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작성자 코원성형외과 댓글 0건 조회 1,417회 작성일본문
Hi, my name is Kim Hyeong Tack from Kowon Plastic Surgery.
I understand that there are a lot of male clients who have concerns on their nose, especially the droopy nose.
Usually clients with droopy noses have big noses with high bridges.
However, there are sometimes clients with a big nose that gives a depressing vibe since it’s droopy downward.
This client wanted to raise his tip of the nose to improve the depressing impression due to the droopy nose.
Mostly, male clients are happy with their nose, so they usually want to get the tip-plasty only.
This is the photo taken 45 degrees sideways. As you can see the nose generally looks long, and the tip of the nose is lifted so the nostrils are lifted up too.
Interesting thing here is that the muscle to pull the tip of the nose downward is strong that the tip is droopy.
This is called nasal depressor muscle, which requires the resection of the muscle to improve the problem.
This is the photo after the surgery and the center of the tip of the nose is improved, and you can find the differences on the shape of the nostrils and the alars as well.
Please refer to the video for the information of depressor muscle below.
This is after the surgery, and you can see that the bridge is straightened, and there is improvement on the shape of the nostrils too.
We didn’t perform the alar reduction surgery or bulbous tip correction surgery.
Performing tip-plasty only can give those results as you can see, since it supports the tip of the nose, thus the nose looks generally narrower from the front side.
When performing alar cartilage binding as shown in the photo, you can use the columellar strut graft technique, which involves creating a support structure to elevate the nasal tip by standing the cartilage upright. This method can slightly enhance the strength and stability of the nasal tip.
This is before surgery taken from sideways.
The tip of the nose looks droopy and the nose is generally low, so it doesn’t give a modern, nice look.
Also it contributes to the impression that makes his mouth more protruded when his mouth is not really protruded. It’s usually due to the nasolabial angle from the philtrum and the lips.
After the tip-plasty to remove the droopy made his mouth look retruded and generally gives a classy look.
The patient didn’t have any insecurity on his bridge, but we removed a little bit of the hump and used the thin silicone for the natural line of the bridge
This is a comparison of photos of before and after surgery. Please kindly take a look at them and see the differences.
If you’re interested in getting the natural, classy shape of the nose with the tip-plasty for the droopy nose, please reach out to Kowon Plastic Surgery.
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