코첫수술 Before and After Photos of Nose Surgery for Low and Bulbous Nose: When…
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작성자 코원성형외과 댓글 0건 조회 12,590회 작성일본문
Hello, this is Dr. Kim Hyung-taek from Kowon Plastic Surgery Clinic.
Today, I’d like to share a case of a patient with a typical low and bulbous nose shape.
In the pre-surgery photos, the nasal bridge, particularly around the glabella, appears low, and the nasal tip is drooping, giving an overall flat impression to the face.
From the side view, the nasal bridge doesn’t seem exceptionally low, but from the front view, it looks much lower due to the wide spread of the nasal bridge.
We proceeded with an open rhinoplasty for this patient.
We used septal extension, along with silicone and septal cartilage.
To address the wide appearance of the nasal bridge, we performed an osteotomy to narrow the bridge.
In the 45-degree angle view, you can see a very natural and smooth line.
From the side view, the line has beautifully improved, and the nasolabial angle connecting the tip to the lips has been significantly enhanced.
In the base view, you can see the previous impression of a drooping nasal tip and wide nasal wings has been corrected.
While some might consider additional alar base reduction surgery, often simply elevating the nasal tip can sufficiently improve the appearance, so it’s essential to consult with a specialist to determine if such additional procedures are necessary.
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