코첫수술 Female Crooked Nose Before and After Photos: Crooked Nose Osteotomy an…
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작성자 코원성형외과 댓글 0건 조회 7,974회 작성일본문
Today, I would like to introduce before and after photos of a female patient who had both a crooked nose and a bulbous nose appearance.
In the photo, you can see that the nasal bridge is curved to the right. To correct the crooked nose, we performed an osteotomy.
The nasal tip doesn’t appear excessively bulky, but the wide appearance is noticeable in the bottom-view photo.
The nasal tip cartilage is spread out. This can be resolved by using nasal tip cartilage suturing to elevate the tip and eliminate the spread-out, bulbous appearance.
Additionally, the slightly drooping appearance of the nasal tip when viewed from the front can be corrected by adjusting the depressor septi muscle.
Since the patient already had a relatively high nasal bridge, we proceeded with a no-implant rhinoplasty, avoiding the use of silicone.
In the side view photo, you can see how the nasal line has become smoother and gives off a much more feminine appearance.
The nasal tip is now more defined and prominent.
The crooked nose has been corrected nicely, and the nose now looks straight from the front.
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