Ah... this is the place!
페이지 정보
작성자 코원성형외과 댓글 0건 조회 15회 작성일본문
I had been thinking for a long time about having an operation on my hump and arrow nose, which I considered to be my complex. As nose surgery is not an easy decision to take lightly, I was very careful when looking for a clinic and even went to other places for consultations.
Other clinics recommended unnecessary procedures, but at Kowon the doctor only discussed the specific areas I wanted to address during the consultation. From that moment on, I thought, "Ah... this is the place I want to go". I wanted a natural looking nose and after the operation, when the swelling had gone down, I saw that my complex was gone and I had a really natural and beautiful nose.
Thank you so much!
This review is a genuine account written by an actual patient of Kowon Plastic Surgery and unauthorized reproduction or use is prohibited.
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