After removal of the Baiko procedure...
페이지 정보
작성자 코원성형외과 댓글 0건 조회 15회 작성일본문
I felt like I had a ticking time bomb in my nose because of the Baiko procedure I had six years ago, so I decided to have it removed and replaced with silicone and cartilage from my ear. I am pleased with the results.
Although the swelling at the tip of my nose hasn't gone down completely, it still feels a bit high, but I think the shape looks much nicer from the side! I was worried that the recovery would be slow because of the swelling, but thankfully it healed quickly.
I've been to the hospital often since the operation and have had laser treatment for the swelling, which seems to have had a good effect. Thank you so much! ^^
This review is a genuine account written by actual patients of Kowon Plastic Surgery. unauthorized reproduction or recording is prohibited.
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