I am very happy!
페이지 정보
작성자 코원성형외과 댓글 0건 조회 4회 작성일본문
I've always heard that a man's face looks good if his nose is nice and prominent. I finally decided to have a nose job and found Kowon Plastic Surgery through my niece's recommendation. When I arrived, I was quite worried and felt anxious about entrusting my body to surgery, but thanks to the kind advice from Manager Juyun and the caring explanation from the doctor, I decided to go through with it.
It's been two months since the operation and I'm very happy! For a week after the operation, there was some swelling, which made it look a bit unnatural, but now the swelling has significantly reduced and the shape has become beautiful, which I really like! ㅎㅎ Above all, it looks so natural that it feels like it was my original nose and I am extremely happy!
Once again, I would like to thank Manager Juyun for her kind advice that helped me make my decision, and Dr Kim Hyung-taek for performing the surgery so well.
This review is a genuine account written by an actual patient of Kowon Plastic Surgery and unauthorized reproduction or use is prohibited.
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