Kowon Plastic Surgery

My chin implant experience at Kowon Plastic Surgery > Real Review

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My chin implant experience at Kowon Plastic Surgery

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작성자 코원성형외과 댓글 0건 조회 2회 작성일 24-12-30 15:54



Hi all, sharing my experience receiving a chin implant surgery (genioplasty) at Kowon Plastic Surgery this winter!

Background: I had a severely recessed chin, making my mouth look protruded and my facial balance look off. I had considered sliding genioplasty (removing the tip of the chin and sliding it forward) after consulting with a dental clinic in Seoul, but ultimately decided against it due to the longer recovery period. Another option they gave me was double jaw surgery, but I was unwilling to do this because of how invasive the surgery is and, again, the recovery period.

Consultation: I made appointments at a couple of plastic surgery offices to consider a chin implant instead. I found these offices by searching online and reading reviews on Google. After a couple of consultations, I decided to move forward with Kowon in Gangnam. I was initially a bit apprehensive because they appeared to specialize in rhinoplasties, but a conversation with the consulting manager and doctor eased those concerns. They were the most thorough and transparent with their explanation and reassured me that we could perform the surgery and have plenty of time left over before I had to fly back home. The doctor even used Photoshop to show me what the end result would look like on myself and suggested a 9mm implant. I had some questions prepped beforehand, which he answered transparently - he did not push additional procedures and suggested I only do what I'm comfortable with. I booked the surgery that same day and received all instructions to prep.

Surgery: Day of, I arrived at the office with my mom in the morning and was promptly escorted to the changing rooms. Overall, the process was so well oiled and smooth - I never felt like I was waiting or forgotten. After getting changed and prepped, I was moved to the operating room and put under anesthesia. The entire surgery only took about 15 mins - basically an incision was made on the inside of my mouth, implant was inserted, incision was stitched up, and face was taped to prevent movement. After being woken up, I was extremely groggy but felt no pain. I was moved to a recovery room and slept for maybe an hour? The nurses stopped by to give me water and check in every so often. When I felt ready to go, I was given recovery info and items, like an ice pack, mouthwash, pumpkin juice to help with swelling, etc. and antibiotics.

Recovery: I went back to the office the next day for a check up with the doctor - he took a look at the outside and inside of my mouth and was pleased with the result. I then received a laser treatment to help with the swelling. The only things I had to do recovery-wise was take antibiotics, gargle, and sleep on my back (which was the hardest part of all this as a chronic side-sleeper). I could eat whatever I wanted after the first day, though jaw movement was a little limited because of the tape. I gargled with the mouthwash after every meal so food particles couldn't get stuck in the stitches, and was just a little careful brushing around the area. Pain level was very low throughout the whole recovery process - maybe just a little soreness? I went back to Kowon three days later to remove the tape - doctor came again to check one last time and I received another round of laser. He assured me everything looks good and that I was welcome to ask questions through Kakaotalk even after flying home. The stitches are supposed to dissolve by themselves, so no need to come back to remove.

Currently on day 8 post-op - no soreness or discomfort at all, but it'll take some time to get used to my new face. It looks great though - super happy with how it turned out! It's exactly the result I had hoped for, natural and harmonious with my face. Highly recommend consulting with Kowon if you're thinking about plastic surgery!

Disclaimer: I was asked if I would be willing to share my experience after surgery, but all sentiments and words are my own. Also on a throwaway cause I don't want people around me to know I got surgery lol


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TEL : 02-6242-7080

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